In addition to St. Luke’s Rainbow Preschool, the following are our ongoing outreach initiatives:
The first Sunday of every month is the
Loaves and Fishes Gathering
St. Luke’s United Church of Christ, collects non-perishable food, grooming supplies or cash for people in need in our community. To participate, simply purchase items and bring them to church on the first Sunday of the month. Cash donations, as well as Script Cards from our Preschool, are also accepted.

Meals on Wheels
St Luke’s delivers “Meals on Wheels” several times a year . Please call the office if you can be of assistance of if you would like more information.
Members of St. Luke’s host Bingo on the second Wednesday of the month at Emerald Nursing and Rehabilitation.
Bingo will be announced your attendance and sharing in the fellowship or assisting those who need help with bingo or assisting in providing donations for prizes.
St Luke’s United Church of Christ, collects and sends our box tops for Education to the St. Labre Indian School in Ashland, MT as an outreach Mission.
St. Labre participates in General Mills Box Tops for Education. This proof-of-purchase program helps St. Labre earn free education equipment and supplies by sending in box tops from many popular products.